There but for the grace of God hump I

Posted on December 1st, 2008

Since the identity of the mystery couple is never revealed, my first instinct was to suggest my long-running infatuation with Lori had been reciprocated and consummated. I quickly rejected that idea, as it's totally wrong for that storyline and I'm way better than Mr. Grim Joyless Pumping. Ultimately, I realized that I was actually the voyeur reflected in the glass. I became him the moment I watched that video. As did you.


After mentioning my musical past in the comic a few times, some of you have asked if I'm still an active musician. The answer is yes. I've got a new band and a new album: Audio Transmission Nine. Feel free to check it out -- you can download the whole thing for free (sharing is also ok!) You can also join our facebook group if you're so inclined.

Audio Transmission Nine


P.S. As always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated.

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