2012 < Last Night

Posted on November 16th, 2009

Like several million other people, I saw 2012 over the weekend and I got pretty much what I expected: fantastic special effects and good actors wasted on a terrible script. I can't find it in my heart to blame them, though; a $65,000,000 opening weekend must be pretty gratifying for Chiwetel Ejiofor after Endgame's $1,608. While 2012 claims to be about the end of the world, it's really about validating the juvenile delusion that death is something that happens to other people (six billion dead but the plucky dog survives = happy ending!). I came out of the theatre with an urgent need to revist Last Night, a film about how charactersface the inevitablevs. how they outrun CGI earthquakes. If you think I'm an idiot who overthinks a perfectly good series of explosions, rest assured Jamie feels the same way.

Fun facts about today's comic:

  • Every time I switch agencies, get promoted or the agency rebrands itself,
    I get a box of 500 new cards. A week later, I get another 500 with my name spelled correctly.
  • During my entire career, I've probably handed out less than a dozen. That's including the one
    I used to impress my little sister.
  • Because I almost never hand them out, and because it amused me, in 2007 my cards did
    indeed read Dark Lord of Copy.
  • Jamie and I had special Words & Pictures cards made in 2006. My 1st panel dialogue is
    printed on the back of mine.
  • The Grammar Architect was Chris Eaton's second novel. The opening of his first was
    based on a bet Jamie and I had.
  • I won.



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