Storming the beach in France. Again.

Posted on June 18th, 2007

The horror... The horror...

You will no doubt be shocked to learn that Ralph Nader and Donny Deutsch did not write in requesting cameos. Neither did Dabitch, for that matter, but at least she reads the comic. No, the only consenting guest star this week is Chandrachoodan Gopalakrishnan.

In honour of Father's Day, Jamie and I would like to give a shout out to our good friend Ren, a.k.a. Rupert Stannick of Burn Back, whose wife recently gave birth to a beautiful little girl. Ren is one of the nicest and funniest guys you could imagine (unless you're playing hockey with him, in which case he will crack your ribs like there's a prize inside) and Jamie and I couldn't be happier for the new family.

In addition to a tiny human, Ren also co-created this:

Tune in next week for a battle royale as the two armies finally throw down.


Graham will sanctimoniously tell you it's a common misconception that earthworms live when cut in half.

Graham earthworm


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