Rogers Rocket Hub
Winnipeggers love their remote cottages and hi-speed internet, but they’ve never been able to enjoy both at the same time – until now. The Rocket Hub from Rogers is portable internet you can take to the cottage. The problem is nobody knows about it, as Rogers has very little brand/product awareness in Manitoba.
Just before the first long weekend of cottage season – on the very same day local news media announced a record explosion of mosquitos – we sent Winnipeggers a self-mailer wrapped in real mosquito netting, with image of our Rocket Hub portable internet modem and the heading Going to the cottage? Don’t forget to pack the net.
We exceeded the call volume of our previous communication by 200% and our netting piece pulled in an impressive 50% lift over our control piece in market at the exact same time.
BRONZE 2014 International ECHO Award
BRONZE 2014 CMA Awards - Consumer Services
Featured in March issue of Directory 30